Fee Navigator®

    Health Service Code 13.59C

    Initiation of intravenous

    1. Sole procedure only and may not be claimed in addition to a radiology service.
    2. May be claimed in addition to a visit or a consultation providing the purpose of the visit is not for the initiation of the intravenous.
    3. May be claimed only when performed by a physician where suitable qualified nursing personnel are unavailable.
    Common terms:
    • IV
    Category:M Minor Procedure
    Base rate:$30.87

    Fee modifiers:

    TypeCode# of callsExplicitActionAmount
    TRAYMAJTIncrease By$38.88
    SURCEVYesIncrease By$48.82
    SURCNTAMYesIncrease By$117.12
    SURCNTPMYesIncrease By$117.12
    SURCWKYesIncrease By$48.82

    Governing Rules: