Fee Navigator®

    Health Service Code 03.01S

    Physician to patient secure electronic communication

    1. May only be claimed for medically necessary advice or follow up where the nature of the condition can safely be managed via secure email.
    2. May only be claimed when the service is provided using a secure email system that is in compliance with the CPSA guidelines on secure electronic communication and when the physician/clinic has submitted a Privacy Impact Assessment for this service acceptable to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Alberta.
    3. May only be claimed for those patients where an established physician-patient relationship exists and the physician has seen the patient in the previous 12 months.
    4. Physicians and patients must have previously discussed and agreed to the limitations of health management using electronic means.
    5. Secure electronic communication must inform patients when the physician is unavailable.
    6. May only be claimed once per calendar week per patient per physician.
    7. A maximum of fourteen 03.01S per calendar week per physician may be claimed.
    8. A visit service may not be claimed if provided within 24 hours following the electronic communication.
    9. HSC 03.01S is not payable in the same calendar week as 03.05JR or 03.01T by the same physician for the same patient.
    10. May not be claimed when the service is provided by a physician proxy.
    11. Documentation of the service must be recorded in the patients' record.
    12. May not be claimed for inpatients.
    Category:V Visit
    Base rate:$20.00

    AMA billing tips:

    • 03.01S may only be claimed once per patient per week regardless of the number of email exchanges occur in the week with the same patient. This service may only be claimed when a response prepared by the physician is provided to the patient. This code is not to be claimed for receiving an email and proceeding to call the patient in for a face-to-face visit.

    Fee modifiers:

    No modifiers.

    Governing Rules:

    No Governing Rules.