Fee Navigator®

    Health Service Code 03.03AU

    Transfer of care of hospital in-patient or out-patient to operating physician

    1. May only be claimed by general surgery, orthopedics and urology.
    2. May only be claimed when a consultation for the patient has already been claimed by another physician of the same specialty.
    3. May be claimed in addition to a procedure on the same date of service.
    Category:V Visit
    Base rate:$95.33

    AMA billing tips:

    • All of the following criteria must be met:

      • Used when the care of a patient has been transferred to another physician who will continue to provide care for the patient.
      • The physician receiving the care claims the transfer of care.
      • Each physician may claim for services on the date of transfer if they have seen the patient.
    • Note 3 on 03.03AU clarifies that the service can be billed in addition to a procedure on the same date of service similar to a consultation. It it not meant to be interpreted that both the transfer of care and the procedure must occur on the same date of service.

    Fee modifiers:

    TypeCode# of callsExplicitActionAmount
    SKLLGNSGReplace Base$95.63
    SKLLORTHReplace Base$98.45
    SKLLUROLReplace Base$95.33

    Governing Rules:

    No Governing Rules.