Fee Navigator®

    Health Service Code 03.03ME

    Special call to closed office, weekdays (0000-2400)

    1. When a physician must travel to his/her office which is closed, with no staff in attendance.
    2. A maximum of five (5) per weekday, per physician may be claimed.
    3. Subsequent patients seen may be claimed under code 03.02A, 03.03A, 03.04A or the appropriate procedural code.
    Category:V Visit
    Base rate:$59.24

    AMA billing tips:

    • This code is limited by time of day a maximum of 5, 03.03ME are allowed per weekday. The second and subsequent patient seen at the same callback encounter should be claimed as the appropriate visit service i.e. 03.02A, 03.03A etc.

    Fee modifiers:

    TypeCode# of callsExplicitActionAmount
    SUBDOFEVYesIncrease Base By$80.73
    SUBDOFNTAMYesIncrease Base By$213.83
    SUBDOFNTPMYesIncrease Base By$213.83

    Governing Rules:

    • 15.11.7

      A maximum of five (5) special callbacks to a closed office, HSC 03.03ME, may be claimed, per physician, in any given weekday, Monday - Friday (0000 - 2400 hours).